Yoga Sessions
• General Yoga Sessions (One to one training)
• Therapy Poses (One to one training)
• Manual Stretching’s (One to one training)

General Yoga Sessions (one to one training)
General Yoga Sessions: are suitable for those, who doesn’t have any health concerns like back pain, neck pain, overweight and so on, this set of people are usually healthy, to maintain good health weekly thrice combination of yoga asanas, surya namaskars, asana sequences to stretch each and every part of the body and pranayamas are taught along with good nutrition and five rules of drinking water, so that healthy weight and good internal environment would be maintained, stiffness and rigidities would not accumulate inside the body, realizing the importance of yoga and its benefits at a very young age would be a great thing to realize the fact that health is the most precious thing, which could be secured through yoga practice for sure.
Therapy Poses (one to one training)
Yoga Therapy poses: help to reduce the stiffness from the rigid regions of the body like spinal column, shoulders, lower back, hamstrings and so on, these poses are simple to practice, actually designed to stretch targeted regions like lower back muscles with twist poses to relieve the stiffness and offer relief from slip disc and back pain related health problems likewise, we can introduce poses relating to the targeted health problems.
Manual Stretching Sessions (one to one training)
Manual Stretching Sessions: help to flexible rigid regions of the body with the help of the trainer, where the practitioner is given stretches manually using ropes, belts and other yoga gadgets.
Suitable for severe stiffness people, where their interconnected channel becomes disturbed that the muscle stiffness leads to tendons and ligaments stiffness, these channel stiffness further leads to joints stiffness, organs stiffness and even arteries and veins stiffness (most the people think stiffness means something related to muscles only), but in reality whole body becomes stiffer including heart muscle and brain muscle as the ageing takes place.
Often this condition would be experienced by the people, who doesn’t do exercises or any other physical activities for longer time and coming to their food consumption would be high calorie diet, excess consumption of simple carbohydrates, non-veg and liquor and so on, disturbs the internal environment and leaves lot of uric acid deposits and other toxic materials inside the body, which leads to disorders, diseases and over a period of time organs dysfunction.
Through therapeutic approaches, complete ancient yogic routine health practices would be introduced along with manual stretches and likewise the whole yoga concept helps the practitioner to come out of their sufferings gradually.
Note: Usually manual stretches are done to flexible lower back, hamstrings, rounded shoulders, mostly posterior regions of the body, so that gradually it brings good flexibility and allows those particular rigid regions to function well, with the release and relaxation of muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints, simply leads to the betterment of the interconnected channel.