Detox Programs


Detox programs are designed to clean the alimentary canal and the whole body with cleansing practices like sutraneti, jalaneti, kunjal kriya and shankaprakshalasana, usually our bodies are exposed to hundreds of toxic substances every day, over a period of time with lot of accumulations inside the body, which gets mostly trapped in the tissues leads to skin problems, organs dysfunction, inflammations, lethargy, impure or toxic blood, infections and so on.

Damages the internal body and weakens the immune system, but these detox programs every three months to six months is like a whole servicing to the body, which helps to feel fresh like a flower, with deep clean inside, helps for good blood circulation, offers ease feeling and helps to improve the functioning of all organs, brings coordination and cooperation between the systems of the body, all together the internal doctor would be so happy, that work burden reduces and gets time to self-heal and strengthen (the immune system).