I introduce Ashtanga Yoga (8 step method) during introductory seminars, so that firstly people should know the great contribution of Sage. Patahanjali Garu (who is considered as father of yoga) for summarizing the vast yoga text into a very understandable eight step method, it’s his grace that the yoga enthusiasts around the world are practicing systematized yoga practices and benefitting up to the maximum.
Basically the word Ashtanga is comprised of two Sanskrit words, “Ashta” means eight and “Anga” means limb or a body part. Ashtanga is the union of the eight limbs of yoga (yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dhrana, dhyana and samadhi), which forms to be a complete yoga practice developed for the benefit of self and society.

After explaining the complete ashtanga yoga importance, which is the base of all yoga forms around the world, people would understand yoga means it’s a holistic system and a way of life, and being a yoga therapist, half of the session, would talk on therapy related issues like back pain, neck pain, sciatica and several other disorders that how through yoga therapy and other yogic concepts, help initially to get relief from pain or pressure and subsequently this whole unique system of yoga would help to lead a healthy and happy life for sure.
This introductory session help mostly young students to understand about yoga and its importance in daily life at an early age becomes easy to practice and would learn to bring balance in each and every activity they do, becomes focused and determined.