My objective is to share My Guru’s 15-year-long research, millions and billions worth of health information known as the “Ancient Yogic Routine” for the benefit of the world population.

Most people nowadays live a very unhealthy lifestyle due to various accumulated inflammations inside the body; unknowingly, they are gradually damaging their vitals, even though some rigid mindset people are living with various pressures while going through a period of punishment with severe health disturbances.
It is believed that people over the age of forty have rigid mentalities and believe they know everything, or that the majority of people do not listen to health-care advice or strive to improve their health by following old yoga practices. The number of open-minded people who understand health research and correct their health problems is extremely minimal.
This is a harsh reality; despite knowing what is good and bad, most people are unable to break free from the clutches of inherited habits, and instead of changing or making changes to their routine to become healthier, they do not mind leaving this world by knowingly inviting death through vital organ damage and root cause inflammations.
My guru used to believe that young people are the best age group to learn and implement good things in their lives; similarly, if yoga health education is provided at a young age, with positive changes transformed into habits, they can maintain good health for the rest of their lives, because these positive habits become inherent in their routines over time.
While in college and university, students would be in good health and happy lives; however, after graduation, they would become busy with finding jobs, starting businesses, getting married, facing financial difficulties, and other responsibilities that would leave them leading hectic lives and prone to health issues such as stress, hormonal imbalance, obesity, illnesses, diseases and early death.

Medical students from mediciti medical college.
College and university students can learn the value of health by being introduced to an “Ancient Yogic Routine” health concept as part of a health safety protocol. They will have more understanding of yoga and simplified yoga therapy as a result, which they can utilize to self-treat any illnesses before they worsen. They can eventually lead their friends, family, and other people toward a happy and healthy lifestyle with consistent observation.
This is the sole reason:
We are focusing more on the younger generation to promote their health and via them, the rest of the population, to demonstrate in real life that:
Yoga is beneficial to oneself as well as to society.